Indian Journal of Finance and Economic Management
A Field Study of a Sample of Audit Offices in Jordan
Authors: Osama Abdalmanam and Mahd Ali Al- Jabali
Poultry: A Vsital Component of Farm Economy in Tamilnadu
Authors:Dr. S.C. Vetrivel and Dr. G. Suresh
Efficiency Comparison of Indian and Pakistan Banks - The DEA Application
Authors:Dr. T. Subramanyam
A Study of Growth Style Funds Vs Contra Style Funds with Reference to Different Parameters in India for the Period 1999-2009
Authors:Prof. Chandrima Das and Dr. Sujit Nath Banerjee
Impact of E-business on Employees’ Satisfaction: An Empirical Study
Authors: Dr. Sanjeev K. Sharma and Dr. Geeta Sharma
Effect of Operating Leverage and Financial Leverage and its Impact on Market Price of the Share
Authors:Dr. M. Rajesh
Scheduled Commercial Banks and Priority Sector Credit India: A Bank Group Wise Study
Authors: Anand S. Kodan and Dr. Kuldip S. Chhikara
Analysis of Non-Performing Assets in Indian Banking Industry/ckfinder/userfiles/files/ijfemv1n1_07.pdf
Authors: Anand S. Kodan and Dr. Kuldip S. Chhikara
Role of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Agriculture Credit in India:A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Banks in India
Authors: Anand S. Kodan and Dr. Kuldip S. Chhikara