Gokul Road,Opp Airport,Hubli - 30, Dharwad, Karnataka Area of Interest: Material Science: Ferrite, Ferroelectrics, Thin Film, Sensors, Nanomaterials, Composite materials, chemical synthesis
Editorial Board Members:
Srinivasan Chitra, Physics Department, Sri Para sakthi College For women,Courtallam Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu,India. Area of Interest: Computational material science, thermal properties, Monte Carlo simulation, Molecular dynamics,Metropolis algorithm, phase transition study by simulation, alloy simulation, transport properties , Debye temperature, specific heat capacity study by simulation
N. Shaji, Department Physics,Maharaja's College, Park Avenue, Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala,India. Area of Interest:Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Computing, Quantum Field
Bensafi Abd-El-Hamid, Department of Chemistry and Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Abou Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, P.O. Box 119, Chetouane, 13000 Tlemcen, Algeria.
Dr Wu-Gui Jiang, School of Aeronautical Manufacturing Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China Area of research/interest: Computational nano-mechanics; Failure analysis of multilayer devices; Multi-scale modeling of solid materials
Dr RAKESH KUMAR Assistant Professor ,Department of Physics, ARSD College,University of Delhi, New Delhi 110021
Area of Interest physics,High Energy Physics & Plasma Physics, Atomic & Nuclear Physics Astrophysics and Thermodynamics
Area of Interest : Electrodynamics, Matrices and tensors, Solid State physics Modern Optics, Linear vector space, Group theory (Basics)
Dr. Santosh S. Jadhav, Dept. of Physics,D.S.M.’s Arts, Commerce, and Science College,Jintur- 431 509 Dist. Parbhani Maharashtra State, India Area of Interest : Condensed Matter Physics, Synthesis of nanocrystalline ferrites by chemical routes like wet chemical co-precipitation, sol-gel auto combustion,study of their structural, magnetic, electrical and sensing properties.
Dr. K.Kannaki, Assistant Professor (Applied physics - Instrumentation) Annamalai University, Chidambaram 608001 Tamilnadu
Area of Interest :Material science, Nano Science & Nano Materials
Deepika Bala, Lecturer in Physics,Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies,RK Valley,