Editorial Board Members:
GOTI Vipulkumar M., Shree Swami Atmanand Saraswati Vidya Sankul, Daruka College Campus, Opp Spinning Mill, Varachha Road, Kapodra, Suart-395006, Gujarat, India
Area of Interest: Mechanical like Thermal and Design.
T.Sasikumar, 4/88, Pattanvilai, Neyyoor post, Kanyakumari District,Tamilnadu-629802, India
Area of Interest: Materials characterization, Composites,NDT.
Patel Dhaval Amratlal, B-39, Shirdinagar Society, Nr Dharoi Colony, Kheralu Road,Visnagar: 384315, Dist: Mehsana (North Gujarat), India
Area of Interest: Machine Design, Mechanisms, Robotics
Selvi, Mechanical Engineering Department Engineering College Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engg. Institute of Road and Transport Technology Erode. Tamil Nadu 638 316 India
A.G. Matani, Mechanical Engineering Department, Government College of Engineering, Amravati, Kathora Naka, V.M.V. P.O. Maharashtra, India.
Area of Interest: Productivity, Energy, Environment, Operations Management.
Vijayan S., Mechanical Department, SSN College of Engineering, Old Mahabalipuram Road Kalavakkam,Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
Area of Interest: Optimization,Design of Experiments,Friction Stir welding, Taguchi methodology.
Pankaj, Mathematics, Indus International University Bathu, Una, Himachal Pradesh India
Area of Interest: Solid Mechanics, Elastic, Plastic, Creep, Thermal Stresses, Applied Mathematics.
M.Saravanan, Mechanical Engineering Department, SBM College of Engineering and Technology, SBM Nagar, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India.
Area of Interest:Production, Scheduling, Optimization, Supply Chain Management, Robotics, Meta heuristics, newer materials, composite materials, metal forming, management,etc.