Aims and Scope : The IJEA journal will cater to the needs of managers, directors, principals and above all teachers of educational institutions. This journal deals with the powerful social, economic and technological factors affecting education specifically technical and professional education and presents indian knowledge and initiatives designed to help educational administrators.
Objectives :
It is a fact that educational establishments all over the world struggle with intense pressures in their efforts to deliver higher standards of education across a broader curriculum, with fewer resources. There is no doubt that administrators are the main component to any educational progress and the burden of responsibility increasingly falls on them to adapt positively to external pressures and catalyse action. Secondly, due to the rapid change in the teaching-learning process, educational policy, technological innovations etc., there is lot many factors to discuss and develop.
The challenges faced by the administrators will be analysed in this journal, which presents an account of the latest research and practice taking place in the international educational arena. The journal will focus on the nature of educational administration, organizational theory, educational leadership and present day practices. Further it will cover the ethical and moral values, teacher-student relationships, institutional finance, human subjectivity in the sound educational organizations, educational policy and role of research in the educational institution
· Educational managers and administrators
· Principals and Head of the institutions
· Vice-Chancellors/ Deans/ Heads of the Departments
· Managers of educational establishments
· Students and academics researching in the field
Submission: Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention journal title (IJEA) in subject line.
Frequency: Two issues per year.