Indian Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (IJCAM)
ISSN 2347-9590
Indian Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Editor in chief
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics ,
B. V. B. College of Engineering and Technology,
Hubli– 31.
Area of Research: General Topology
Aims and Scope : The Indian Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (IJCAM) is an Indian research journal, which publishes top-level work on computational aspects of mathematics interface between applied mathematics, numerical computation, and applications of systems - oriented ideas to the physical, biological, social, and behavioral sciences. It includes but not limited to areas of mathematics such as algebra (especially group theory), combinatorics (especially graph theory), geometry, number theory and numerical analysis; computational complexity; cryptology; symbolic and algebraic computation; optimisation; the mathematical aspects of: models of computation; automata theory; categories and logic in computer science; proof theory; type theory; semantics of programming languages; process algebra and concurrent systems; specification and verification; databases; rewriting; neural nets and genetic algorithms; computational learning theory; theorem proving and more...
Journal publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field of Mathematical Sciences, and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject.
Publication Date and Frequency : Two issues in a year.
Submission : Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention journal title (IJCAM) in subject line.