Global Journal of Dynamical System and Applications (GJDSA)
ISSN 2249-4294
Global Journal of Dynamical System and Applications (GJDSA)
Aims and Scope: TheGlobal Journal of Dynamical System and Applications (GJDSA) publishes original scientific and quality research on the theory of and advances in dynamical systems with analyses of measure-theoretical and topological aspects. This interdisciplinary journal provides audiences with an extensive exploration of the perspectives and methods of system dynamics and system thinking, which are applied to systems in the fields of engineering, soft computing, economics, management, and medicine, among others. The journal also covers strongly related research areas including control, automation, and systems.
GJDSA publishes original articles, reviews, technical reports, patent alerts, and case studies on the latest innovative findings of new methodologies and techniques. The journal welcomes active participation and contribution by researchers, not only by submitting original works but also by making constructive suggestions for improving of the journal. GJDSA appeals to academics, researchers, and professionals in the fields of engineering, modeling and computer simulation, decision analysis, soft computing, control systems, dynamic systems, applied mathematics, statistics, natural sciences, policy analysis, management, management science, economics, and behavioral sciences.
Submission: Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention journal title (GJDSA) in subject line.