Indian Journal of Finance and Economic Management (IJFEM)
ISSN 2347-3991
Indian Journal of Finance and Economic Management
Editor in chief
Dr. S Panneerselvam,
Post Graduate Department of Management Studies
Siddaganga Institute of Technology
B H Road, Tumkur – 572 103.
Karnataka. Area of Interest: Operations Research, Statistics, Operations Management, Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Information Technology/Systems and e-business.
Aims and Scope: TheIndian Journal of Finance and Economic Management (IJFEM) is dedicated to various current issues in the field of finance and economic management, especially in an era of global turbulence. Indian Journal of Finance and Economic Management (IJFEM) is a highly selective journal featuring literate and policy- relevant analysis on Indian issues such as but not limited to the following: Managing through the global financial turbulence, Making Smarter Risk Decisions, Indian Risk Management facing multinationals and individuals, including derivatives markets, portfolio management and volatility models, Operating globally and risk such as currency risk, market risk, credit risk, and country risk, Financial and Cost Management of firms, Microcredit finance and access to credit to entrepreneurs, Reporting Performance and success measures etc.The journal's readership extends well beyond academia and attracts audience from national treasuries and corporate treasuries, central banks and investment banks, and major
Publication Date and Frequency: Two issues per year.
Submission: Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention journal title (IJFEM) in subject line.