ISSN :2278-3636
International Journal of Economic and Management Strategy
Aims and Scope : The International Journal of Economic and Management Strategy (GBS-JEMS)is an internationally refereed scholarly journal. This journal publishes theoretical, empirical and experimental papers that significantly contribute to the disciplines of Economics and Management Sciences. Using a wide range of research methods including statistical analysis, analytical work, case studies, field research, book reviews, literature surveys, historical analysis and articles examining significant research questions from a broad range of perspectives in Economics and Management Strategy body of knowledge are encouraged to be sent to GBS-JEMS.
We welcome articles on every topic that is in any sense related to Economics and Management Strategies and its various facets. Within our scope are all aspects of Management related to strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, information technology, and organizations as well as all functional areas of business, such as accounting, finance, marketing, and operations. For the scope of Economics, authors may consider choosing the topics from a wide range of topics like managerial economics, financial economics, public finance, econometrics, green economics, political economy, resource economics, population economics, economic growth, national income, fiscal and monetary policies, micro and macro economics and the like. We include studies on organizational, managerial, and individual decision making, from both normative and descriptive perspectives. Our articles are primarily based on the foundational disciplines of economics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, and statistics, and we encourage cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the diversity of the management science professions. Our interest extends to managerial issues in diverse organizational forms, such as for-profit and nonprofit firms, private and public sector institutions, local and global firms.
Indexing : Our Journals are indexed in International societies like EBSCO database, CAS, CSA, Elsevier database, Google Scholar, J-Gate. Our all journals are also registered in ISSN.
Impact Factor : Publisher Impact Factor is 2.38 for year 2013.
Submission : Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically with mention journal title (GBS-JEMS) in subject line.
Frequency : Two issues per year.
Annual Subscription Price :
Library/ Institutional (Out Side India)
Print Only: US$320.00
Online Only: US$280.00
Library/ Institutional (Inside India)
Print Only: Rs.3000.00
Print + Online Only: Rs.4500.00