ISSN 2277-3207
Aims and Scope : The International Journal of Business and Rural Development Studies (GBS-IJBRDS) The aims of the journal are to highlight and encourage socially relevant and useful research in various fields of rural studies. The main aim is to identify the potential of the rural population and find ways and means to realize their potential. Education and development should be based on the cultural heritage, expertise, experience and strengths of ordinary people. Education and development should enable ordinary people to perceive and identify inhuman, coercive and oppressive realities and change them. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. All articles published in GBS- IJBRDS will be peer-reviewed.
Indexing : Our Journals are indexed in International societies like EBSCO database, CAS, CSA, Elsevier database, Google Scholar, J-Gate. Our all journals are also registered in ISSN.
Impact Factor : Publisher Impact Factor is 2.38 for year 2013.
Submission : Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically with mention journal title (GBS-IJBRDS) in subject line.
Frequency : Two issues per year.
Annual Subscription Price :
Library/ Institutional (Out Side India)
Print Only: US$320.00
Online Only: US$280.00
Library/ Institutional (Inside India)
Print Only: Rs.3000.00
Print + Online Only: Rs.4500.00