ISSN 2348-1021
Indian Journal of Nanotechnology and Applications
Editor in Chief:
Prof.M.Shivashankar, Associate professor in MED, SIT, Tumkur-572103, INDIA
Area of Interest: Materials,heat treatment and Nanotechnology
Aims and Scope : The Indian Journal of Nanotechnology and Applications (JNA) is an Indian research journal, which publishes top-level work from all areas related to Nanotechnology and their applications. Topics include in this journal are the broad scope multidisciplinary nature of Nano technology. It encompasses the understanding of the fundamental physics, chemistry, biology and technology of nanometre-scale objects and how such objects can be used in the areas of computation, sensors, nanosciences, nanoelectronics, nanostructured materials and nano-biotechnology. Innovative applications and material that brings together diverse areas of Nanotechnology are particularly welcome.
Frequency : Two issues in a year.
Submission : Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention journal title (JNA) in subject line.
Annual Subscription Price:
Library/ Institutional (Out Side India)
Print Only: US$320.00 Online Only: US$280.00
Library/ Institutional (Inside India)
Print Only: Rs.3000.00 Print + Online Only: Rs.4500.00