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Manuscript of the paper should be in English and typeset using Ms-Word which can shorten the production process. The following format/order should be adopted.
1. Title
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4. Abstract (not more than 200 words)
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7. Content of paper (12 point)
8. References
The references should be arranged in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author in the following style:
[1] V. Lakshmikantham and D. Trigiante, Difference Equations with Applications to Numerical Analysis, Academic Press, New York, 1988.
Research papers
[1] R. P. Agarwal and Yong Zhou, Oscillation of partial difference equations with continuous variables, Mathl. Computer Modelling, 31(2/3)(2000), 17-29.
[2] Jason Frank, Brian E. Moore and Sebastian Reich, Linear PDEs and numerical methods that preserve a multisymplectic conservation law, SIAM J. Scientific Computing, (to appear).
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